Street Lights
One of the main challenges in providing light for any location is wiring. Long wiring distances not only increase the cost but also wastes electrical energy. Besides, the installation is complex, and severe safety risks are involved.
With the emergence of solar off-grid technology, standalone lighting systems, gradually won the market against traditional power distribution networks for lighting.
In certain regions, using a stand-alone solar system is a must. Imagine a remote area without grid power, or a place where laying cables is economically expensive/insufficient. There a high-quality reliable off-grid lighting system would be required, to decrease the installation/ maintenance costs.
Alchemist offers different types of batteries to support and increase the compatibility of these units
BESS Solutions
Diesel generator optimization
Backup and enhanced resilience of power networks
Microgrids & Minigrids
Voltage ride through systems
Voltage and reactive power support
Renewables intermittency and ramp rate control
Peak shaving
Black start
Frequency regulation
Spinning reserves
Transmission and distribution support