Construction Industry

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) can offer various benefits to the construction industry, where energy demands and power reliability are critical. BESS can address power quality issues, reduce energy costs, and enhance the overall efficiency of construction operations.

1. Power Supply for Construction Sites
2. Energy Cost Management
3. Integration with Renewable Energy
4. Enhanced Power Quality
5. Reduced Diesel Generator Usage
6. Emergency Power Supply
7. Improved Site Management
8. Cost-Effective Energy Storage

BESS Solutions

  • Diesel generator optimization

  • Backup and enhanced resilience of power networks

  • Microgrids & Minigrids

  • Voltage ride through systems

  • Voltage and reactive power support

  • Renewables intermittency and ramp rate control

  • Peak shaving

  • Black start

  • Frequency regulation

  • Spinning reserves

  • Transmission and distribution support